Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Kyoga: Main Story Review

I know beb, I know.. ∩(︶▽︶)∩
SPOILERS?: Yes, mild spoilers

Oh Kyoga, you perfect, perfect man. *Hugssss*  Wolf guys in anime always seem to be such sweet talkers don't they?  It must be cause they have a love for women.

I knew, from the moment I saw this guy, that he shall be mine. ( " - v - ")
I am happy to say that my good feeling about him has been correct.

Kyoga is the only character where I actually purchased all his stories (epilogues and sequels). This is extremely uncommon for a cheapo like me.  But then again, at the time his stories were on sale.

 ( - 3 - ) ~ ❤
 Haters gon' hate!


In my opinion, Kyoga is the best character route in this game.  He's sexy, courteous, respectful, and everything else you would want in a guy.  Yet for his character being so developed, his story route is still filled with suspense.  Don't let his rough, badass look deceive you; he's a model prince if you ask me (just minus the flirting).  I think the problem in his character route wasn't so much Kyoga, but more the MC.  She is so insecure!

Kyoga has his flaws, but they are minor compared to the other characters.  He has a big heart, and cares a lot about his community.  An example is how he states that MC is 'someone who will support the clan'.  MC is thrown into a tizzy by this statement and questions his feelings about her.  Kyoga's tendency to joke around doesn't really help because it makes him appear like he's never serious about anything.  There are a lot of scenes with him becoming serious but immediately turning around and cock blocking himself, saying "just joking!" trolololol

He covers up with jesting because he has this habit of suppressing his deepest feelings.  Sort of like the typical Japanese guy who's taught at a young age to not show emotions that will make one appear weak, unrestrained, and unmanly.  These emotions include fear, anger, sadness, etc.  Kyoga is a bit different from the norm though since he strongly expresses his affection for MC. 

Kyoga: "Why so serious?"

I don't know if I would ever doubt someone if they acted like him in reality.  Kyoga is the type of guy to show his love through actions and eventually, words.  That's why I was so frustrated with MC.  Because really, Kyoga bends over backwards for her.  He always waits for her to finish work so he can escort her home, inquires about her day, never forces her to do anything she doesn't want to do, he's an excellent communicator... the list goes on.  Kyoga is just so devoted.  It's difficult to not like him.


Like I said earlier, even though Kyoga is such a well developed guy that doesn't need much improvement, his story was still interesting.

There is a love rival and his name is Aoi.

This sounds like a conversation I would have with my mom... 
(fyi, Kyoga is the mom)

Aoi is Kyoga's foil.  Where Kyoga likes to jest, Aoi is serious; Where Kyoga is vague, Aoi is straightforward; Kyoga is calm, Aoi is hot-headed.

So, in terms of honestly expressing feelings such as anger and passion, Aoi is hot and Kyoga is cold.  But not in an obvious way.  Because Kyoga is very affectionate. ^^

Aoi can get a little annoying at times because he's just so persistent.  He's like that damn guy you meet at work or somewhere who immediately expresses his interest in you and when you tell him you aren't interested, he just won't take a hint.

The baddies are the Tora (tiger) clan who have been in a tense relationship with the Ookami (wolf) clan for many years.  The whole thing makes sense and fits into the story although it's cliche as hell.  Those territorial bastards.

Here's something fun the writers threw in: they gave Kyoga that time of the month!  So remember Inuyasha, and when there was a new moon he would turn back into a human?  In reverse, on a night with a full moon, well... Kyoga turns into a horny beast.  Yeah, fun times for MC.


- Kyoga is f*cking awesome
- Aoi brings out different sides of Kyoga's character
- Lots of sexy / playful scenes 
- Side characters are funny and supportive toward MC


- MC is super insecure
- The plot is obviously cliche
- Aoi comes onto MC too strong, making him more of a nuisance than a true love rival

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